Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Broken record time!!

What have I said in like every post on here so far? "BJJ, what a sport! You never know what kind of day you're going to have! blahblahblah!"

Yeah, well, for every one awesome day, there are a few bad ones thrown in there. The type of days where you think to yourself, "Why did I make the 1 hour train trip up here? What am I doing with my life? Where am I going? What is my future?" And then a 1 hour train trip back to continue thinking about why you're such a pussy.

My Australian friend said, as I was lamenting these things to him, "Well, you didn't fight any mugs tonight, mate, and I've been doing this for 10 years." True, true. And he weighs about 220. Maybe more? He's a big dude. But yeah. It's all about perspective, mainly like he said, I didn't go against any white belts. I had my obligatory roll with Phil, which is always a nightmare, and then strong blues and purples for about 45 minutes straight of rolling. How can I look at that as bad, really? Aside from the fact that I wasn't really able to do anything, that is. Whattevs. These guys are fucking assassins, and I didn't sit on the edges and shark white belts. :)

I'm a little bummed out because I haven't been able to train as much or as consistently as before. I don't regret getting married, but it's going to require some adjustments to my training regime, and I'm going to really need to start using my time wisely and searching for opportunities to train, rather than sticking to my set schedule that I had before. I'm also going to be in the states for a couple weeks, but if I'm lucky, I sneak off with my cousin and check out Big John's gym, which is like 5 minutes from my uncles house.....!

Anyway, more later after I get back. Peace--

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